What makes us better?
It's simple really, we only take upto 100 landlords at any one time, this allows us to maintain and thoroughly manage our properties as well as deliver the professional standard we guarantee our landlords and vendors. Unlike other estate agents in Leicester, Michaels Estates only charge 0.8% to sell your property and 8% to let your property out with us click here to view our sales page for detailed information. Furthermore, Michaels Estates pride ourselves on our pricing scheme, most estate agencies across Leicestershire charge between 1-2% to sell your property and 12-14% to rent whereas we believe our high standard service shouldn't come with an extra cost.
How do we utilise our social media?
At Michaels Estates we have a multitude of social media platforms such as: Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok and Facebook. We decided to utilise our social media mainly by posting informative, company and property posts across all our media sites. Our Tik Tok is predominately used to inform and educate a diverse audience with property knowledge and advice, helping people with any queries or concerns. All our social media sites are designed to not only show the company but also allow the public to engage and ask questions as we are always wanting to help.
Why should you join our journey?
Michaels Estates is an independent estate agency with high aspirations for the future. Since being established we have achieved a lot such as building strong and trusted relationships with landlords, vendors and tenants and hope to maintain these relationships. Everyday our knowledge and our business expands with our company values behind us; honesty, integrity towards security- and we would love for you to join our journey to help you, sell, rent or find your home.